Sunday, June 17, 2007

The coming War

A new war is coming and its coming soon. The question is where. The answer is easy enough: Gaza. The aggressor: Israel. It will happen within a months time. The justifications will be to prevent the rise of "Hamastan" on Israel's southern border; a belligerent state committed to the destruction of Israel. Of course in reality it will be the other way around, a Jewish state committed to the destruction of a Palestinian prison territory. Not even a state. More lie a cage that people are kept locked in without any chance to for employment, peace, or safety. Israel will strike hard after their defeat last summer to Hezbollah in Lebanon. They want to reestablish the perception of Israeli military dominance in the region and what better place to do it than in Gaza. It should be like shooting fish in a barrel. There is an X-factor in all this, when people have nothing to lose (and those in Gaza literally have nothing) what is to stop them from fighting to the last even if their families and homes are destroyed all around them. Hell, they are use to it by now, bomb the shit out of Gaza and it probably won't look that much different than it does today.

The new defense minister for Israel, Ehud Barak, will be the one to demand it politically and he will not be disappointed. The US will back the war and the US media will give little to no coverage, certainly less than the Lebanon war last summer. Why? Because its against the Palestinian people and the democratically elected Hamas, because the Palestinians have been confined in the Occupied territories for over 40 years now, by far the longest running military occupation in the world, because these people are somehow considered not to be worthy of the standards given to Israelis and US citizens in their countries. Mark my words this war is coming. And when you wage a war with a completely modernized army against a lightly armed impoverished people, people who are forced to live in continual poverty, people who have no place to escape to because they are fenced in, you aren't just waging an aggressive war, you are waging a genocide.

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